Swedish Tannery Association: For Swedish tanners and dressers
The Swedish Tannery Association represents tanneries and dressers with production in Sweden and furthers their shared national and international interests except in matters involving the relations between member employers and their employees.
We add value for our members by offering support, advice and information. We strive for a unified business sector and create opportunities for communication, networking and cooperation. We protect and advance the identity of leather and strive for a future for the leather industry in Sweden.
The Swedish Tannery Association enables:
Education and training in tanning, and multiple levels of networking throughout the business.
External environmental advising to member companies.
Dialogue and cooperation with organizations that work in areas in which leather, sheepskin and reindeer skins are used.
We protect the interests of our members through membership in the Confederation of National Associations of Tanners and Dressers of the European Community (COTANCE), the Nordisk Läderforskningsråd, SIS/TK158 Footwear.
The Swedish Tannery Association supports the following code of conduct adopted by COTANCE:
Respect for human rights is a very important pillar of working life. As a member of the Confederation of National Associations of Tanners and Dressers of the European Community (COTANCE), the Swedish Tannery Association fully supports the code of conduct adopted by COTANCE and the European Trade Union Federation for Textiles, Clothing and Leather (ETUF-TCL).
Umbrella organizations, institutes & information on leather


International Council of Tanners

Leather Naturally
Leather Naturally

One 4 Leather
One 4 Leather

Sustainable Leather Forum
Sustainable Leather Forum

Eurofins | BLC



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SIS TK 158